23 December 2019
Three days of knowledge sharing and new perspectives. This was, in a nutshell, the core of the workshop Management of species and habitats for requalification of island ecosystems organised by the Resto con Life team at Portoferraio (Elba island, Tuscan Archipelago).
The PonDerat staff visited the Tuscan Archipelago three times. Two years ago we went to Pianosa to borrow equipment and materials that were useful for our field activities on the Pontine islands. Later, a small but well-motived team returned to Pianosa to take part in the laborious activity of rat eradication. Few days ago, PonDerat representatives went to Elba to attend the workshop and confirm the good relationships between the two projects.
Resto con Life presented its several actions, tasks and results, and national and international guests enriched the debate, including the Biosecurity for Life project, Island Conservation, and LIFE ASAP. It was great listening to many persons involved with passion and labor in the conservation of such a beautiful and biodiversity-rich archipelago. Moreover, the workshop has been a great chance to share ideas and projects’ drafts in view of the future challenges that biological invasions will pose to environmental conservation.