Sapienza University of Rome

The Department of Environmental Biology of the "Sapienza" University of Rome has developed numerous researches aimed at the study of exotic plant species and their impact on biodiversity.

The Department collaborated in various projects developed by the Interuniversity Research Center "Biodiversity, Phytosociology and Landscape Ecology" on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment, including, in particular at the 'First census of Exotic Flora in Italy and characterization of its invasiveness, with particular reference to the coastal coastline and small islands'. In this project also the Pontine Islands were investigated.

Department experts also collaborated on the following projects:

  • national census of habitats of community interest;
  • drafting of the Italian manual of interpretation of habitats of community interest;
  • preparation of basic naturalistic studies preparatory to the Plan of the Circeo National Park, which includes the Island of Zannone.

Currently several experts of the Department collaborate in the development of the European MAES program, concerning the mapping and evaluation of ecosystems and their services.

Finally, the Department is carrying out, with other partners, the project Life+ FAGUS - Forests of the Apennines: good practices to conjugate use and sustainability (Life11 / NAT / IT / 135; 1/9/2012; 29/2/2016).

Animal species

Animal species

Eradication of invasive alien animals (like rats and goats).

Palmarola, Ventotene


Implementing a strong biosecurity effort to prevent rat reinvasion.

Ponza, Palmarola, S. Stefano, Ventotene, Zannone
Plant species

Plant species

Eradication of invasive alien plants (Carpobrotus

Palmarola, Santo Stefano, Ventotene


Fencing of key land plot on Zannone to exclude wild alien ungulates (mouflons) to restore native habitats (holm oak forest). 
